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Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e002, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1528149


Abstract This study aimed to estimate the prevalence and extent of bleeding on probing and calculus in 12-year-old schoolchildren of Quito, Ecuador, and evaluate the associated factors. We conducted an epidemiological survey with a representative sample of 1,100 12-year-old schoolchildren from public schools in the urban area of Quito, Ecuador. We assessed the periodontal health using the Community Periodontal Index (CPI). The prevalence and extent of the periodontal condition was based on the presence of at least one site with bleeding on probing (BOP), and the presence of dental calculus was also evaluated. We used univariate and multiple multilevel Poisson regression analyses to verify the association between the independent variables and the number of sextants with BOP and calculus. The prevalence of BOP and calculus was 92% and 69.9%, respectively. The adjusted mean of the affected sextants was 4.3 and 2.2 for BOP and calculus, respectively. The mother's schooling and malocclusion were associated with the number of sextants with bleeding. The mother's schooling and dental caries experience were associated with calculus. Gingival bleeding and the presence of dental calculus are highly prevalent in 12-year-old schoolchildren from Quito. Gingival bleeding is associated with maternal education and malocclusion, and dental calculus is associated with maternal education and dental caries.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536397


Introducción: El embarazo es una época de cambios para las mujeres. Se producen cambios en todo el organismo debido al aumento de los niveles de la hormona progesterona. La encía es un tejido clave para la acción de las hormonas esteroideas, por tal motivo los cambios clínicos en los tejidos periodontales se identifican durante los periodos de fluctuación hormonal. Objetivo: Sistematizar aspectos sobre qué es la gingivitis en el embarazo, cuáles son sus causas y consecuencias, y cómo tratarla de forma segura para la madre y el bebé. Método: Se realizaron revisiones bibliográficas donde se pudo abordar e interpretar las manifestaciones de la enfermedad periodontal durante el embarazo. Fueron examinados 20 artículos científicos de revistas nacionales e internacionales tanto en español y portugués de los últimos 5 años (2018-2022); de los 20 artículos se excluyeron 5, ya que no coincidían con el tema investigado. Resultados: Los efectos de los estrógenos y la progesterona en el periodonto han sido objeto de atención por los investigadores a lo largo de los años. Por esta razón los tejidos periodontales de la mujer son más susceptibles a esta patología durante el embarazo debido al aumento gradual en el nivel plasmático de progesterona y estrógenos, lo cual conlleva a un acúmulo anormal de bacterias, lo que genera esta enfermedad conocida como gingivitis. Dicha entidad presenta una prevalencia que oscila entre el 35 al 100 %. Consideraciones finales: Si la gingivitis no es tratada durante los dos primeros trimestres las bacterias pueden migrar al torrente sanguíneo y fijarse en la placenta. El cuerpo, como mecanismo de defensa para salvar al bebé entra en trabajo de parto, lo que provoca un parto prematuro. Por este hecho es indispensable asistir a los controles odontológicos.

Introduction: Pregnancy is a time of change for women. Changes occur throughout the body due to increased levels of the hormone progesterone. The gingiva is a key tissue for the action of steroid hormones, for this reason clinical changes in periodontal tissues are identified during periods of hormonal fluctuation. Objective: To systematize aspects of what gingivitis in pregnancy is, what its causes and consequences are, and how to treat it safely for the mother and baby. Method: Bibliographic reviews were carried out where the manifestations of periodontal disease during pregnancy could be addressed and interpreted. 20 scientific articles from national and international journals in both Spanish and Portuguese from the last 5 years (2018-2022) were examined; Of the 20 articles, 5 were excluded, since they did not coincide with the topic investigated. Results: The effects of estrogen and progesterone on the periodontium have been the subject of attention by researchers over the years. For this reason, women's periodontal tissues are more susceptible to this pathology during pregnancy due to the gradual increase in the plasma level of progesterone and estrogen, which leads to an abnormal accumulation of bacteria, which generates this disease known as gingivitis. This entity has a prevalence that ranges between 35 to 100%. Final considerations: If gingivitis is not treated during the first two trimesters, bacteria can migrate into the bloodstream and settle in the placenta. The body, as a defense mechanism to save the baby, goes into labor, which causes premature birth. For this reason, it is essential to attend dental check-ups.

Introdução: A gravidez é um momento de mudanças para a mulher. Mudanças ocorrem em todo o corpo devido ao aumento dos níveis do hormônio progesterona. A gengiva é um tecido fundamental para a ação dos hormônios esteróides, por esta razão são identificadas alterações clínicas nos tecidos periodontais durante períodos de flutuação hormonal. Objetivo: Sistematizar aspectos do que é gengivite na gravidez, quais são suas causas e consequências e como tratá-la com segurança para a mãe e o bebê. Método: Foram realizadas revisões bibliográficas onde puderam ser abordadas e interpretadas as manifestações da doença periodontal durante a gravidez. Foram examinados 20 artigos científicos de revistas nacionais e internacionais em espanhol e português dos últimos 5 anos (2018-2022); Dos 20 artigos, 5 foram excluídos, por não coincidirem com o tema investigado. Resultados: Os efeitos do estrogênio e da progesterona sobre o periodonto têm sido objeto de atenção de pesquisadores ao longo dos anos. Por este motivo, os tecidos periodontais das mulheres são mais suscetíveis a esta patologia durante a gravidez devido ao aumento gradual do nível plasmático de progesterona e estrogênio, o que leva a um acúmulo anormal de bactérias, o que gera esta doença conhecida como gengivite. Esta entidade tem uma prevalência que varia entre 35 a 100%. Considerações finais: Se a gengivite não for tratada nos dois primeiros trimestres, as bactérias podem migrar para a corrente sanguínea e se instalar na placenta. O corpo, como mecanismo de defesa para salvar o bebê, entra em trabalho de parto, o que provoca o nascimento prematuro. Por esse motivo, é imprescindível a realização de exames odontológicos.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513612


Introducción: Las enfermedades periodontales inmunoinflamatorias crónicas, están catalogadas entre las afecciones más comunes del género humano, las que pueden estar asociadas a enfermedades sistémicas como la artritis reumatoidea. Objetivo: Identificar las manifestaciones periodontales más comunes en pacientes con artritis reumatoidea. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal. El universo estuvo constituido por 107 pacientes con diagnóstico de artritis reumatoidea, la muestra no probabilística de 50 pacientes que acudieron a consulta estomatológica durante el periodo, que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión previstos en el estudio. Las principales variables estudiadas fueron: edad, sexo, tiempo de diagnóstico de artritis reumatoide, presencia de enfermedad periodontal (gingivitis y periodontitis), factores de riesgo. Resultados: Prevaleció las edades entre 49 a 58 años, seguido de 39 a 48 años para un 34 y 26 % respectivamente, predominó el sexo femenino con un 46 % de afectadas por gingivitis y con más de siete años para un 58 %, la higiene bucal deficiente seguido de la dieta cariogénica prevaleció en un 50 % y 54% respectivamente. Conclusiones: Predominó el sexo femenino de pacientes diagnosticadas con artritis reumatoidea afectadas por gingivitis, ambas enfermedades son inflamatorias sistémicas, por lo que se puede explicar la conexión entre las dos.

Introduction: Chronic immunoinflammatory periodontal diseases are classified among the most common affections of the human gender, which may be associated with systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Objective: To identify the most common periodontal manifestations in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out. The universe consisted of 107 patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, the non-probabilistic sample of 50 patients who attended a dental consultation during the study period, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria provided for in the study. The main variables studied were: age, sex, time since diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, presence of periodontal disease (gingivitis and periodontitis), risk factors. Results: Ages between 49 and 58 years prevailed, followed by 39 to 48 years with 34 and 26% respectively, predominantly female with 46% affected by gingivitis, affected with more than 7 years with 58%, the poor oral hygiene followed by the cariogenic diet prevailed with 54 and 50% respectively. Conclusions: The female sex prevailed in patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis affected by gingivitis, both diseases are systemic inflammatory, so the connection between the two can be explained.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e110, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1520514


Abstract Although periodontal disease is common during pregnancy, little is known about socioeconomic, behavioral, or biological determinants related to clinically assessed periodontal condition during this period. We assessed the prevalence of periodontal disease and associated factors in pregnant women. This population-based survey used data used from the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort Study, Brazil. Pregnant women expected to give birth between December 2014 and May 2016 were interviewed and clinically examined by trained dentist, with periodontal measures collected in all teeth, six sites per tooth. Outcomes were periodontitis (using the 2012 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Periodontology criteria) and gingivitis (by the 2018 European Federation of Periodontology/ American Academy of Periodontology classification). Multivariate hierarchical Poisson regression was used to assess the associations between socioeconomic, systemic, and clinical oral factors and periodontal disease. A total of 2,474 pregnant women participated in the study. Prevalence of periodontitis and gingivitis was 14.63% and 21.67%, respectively. Lower educational level and calculus were associated with higher prevalence periodontitis and gingivitis (P<0.05). Smoking was also associated with periodontitis (P=0.05), and lower frequency of toothbrushing (P=0.005) with gingivitis. Periodontal disease, especially gingivitis, was prevalent in pregnant women and their determinants were socioeconomic, environmental, and clinical oral health factors.

Braz. dent. sci ; 26(3): 1-8, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1511573


Objective: to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescents with cerebral palsy, comparing the gingival condition and the type of dental treatment before and after the interruption of dental care. Material and Methods: the retrospective longitudinal study consisted of 273 participants undergoing Dental Clinic of the AACD (Disabled Child Assistance Association), divided into three groups according to age: Group 1 (G1: 0 to 5 years and 11 months; n=137), Group 2 (G2: 6 to 11 years and 11 months; n=85) and Group 3 (G3: 12 to 17 years and 11 months; n=51). Sociodemographic, data, clinical pattern of cerebral palsy and use of medication were collected, evaluating the gingival condition by the gingival index and the type of dental treatment before the pandemic and during, nine months after the interruption of dental care. Chi-square, Fisher Exact and Kruskal-Wallis (α=5%) tests were used. Results: the groups were homogeneous in terms of sex (p=0.4581), race (p=0.1725), clinical pattern (p=0.3482) and use of antiepileptic drugs (p=0.3509). Regarding the gingival condition, in the period during the pandemic, there was a reduction in the number of participants with Gingival Index scores 0 and 1 and an increase in participants with scores 2 and 3 (p<0.05). As for the procedures performed, the three groups showed a reduction in preventive procedures (p<0.05) and an increase in surgical, periodontal and restorative procedures (p<0.05). Conclusion: it is concluded that the interruption of dental care for nine months during the COVID-19 pandemic in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy had a negative impact on oral health (AU)

Objetivo: avaliar o impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 em crianças e adolescentes com Paralisia Cerebral, comparando a condição gengival e o tipo de tratamento odontológico antes e após a interrupção dos atendimentos odontológicos. Material e Métodos: o estudo longitudinal retrospectivo foi composto por 273 participantes atendidos na Clínica odontológica da AACD (Associação de Assistência à Criança Deficiente), reunidos em três grupos segundo a faixa etária: Grupo 1 (G1: 0 a 5 anos e 11 meses; n=137), Grupo 2 (G2: 6 a 11 anos e 11 meses; n=85) e Grupo 3 (G3: 12 a 17 anos e 11 meses; n=51). Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, padrão clínico da Paralisia Cerebral e o uso de medicação, avaliando a condição gengival pelo índice gengival e o tipo de tratamento odontológico antes e durante a pandemia, nove meses após a interrupção dos atendimentos. Foram empregados os testes Qui-quadrado, Exato de Fisher e Kruskal-Wallis (α=5%). Resultados: os grupos eram homogêneos quanto ao sexo (p=0,4581), raça (p=0,1725), padrão clínico (p=0,3482) e uso de drogas antiepiléticas (p=0,3509). Com relação à condição gengival, no período Durante Pandemia, observou-se redução no número de participantes com escores Índice Gengival 0 e 1 e aumento de participantes com escores 2 e 3 (p<0,05). Quanto aos procedimentos realizados, os três grupos apresentaram redução de procedimentos preventivos (p<0,05) e aumento dos procedimentos cirúrgicos, periodontal e restaurador (p<0,05). Conclusão: conclui-se que a interrupção do acompanhamento odontológico por nove meses na pandemia da COVID-19 em crianças e adolescentes com PC acarretou impacto negativo na saúde bucal (AU)

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Cerebral Palsy , Oral Health , COVID-19 , Gingivitis
J. appl. oral sci ; 31: e20220359, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421899


Abstract Based on a holistic concept of polymicrobial etiology, we have hypothesized that putative and candidate periodontal pathogens are more frequently detected in consortia than alone in advanced forms of periodontal diseases (PD). Objective To correlate specific consortia of periodontal pathogens with clinical periodontal status and severity of periodontitis. Methodology Subgingival biofilm was obtained from individuals with periodontal health (113, PH), gingivitis (91, G), and periodontitis (209, P). Genomic DNA was purified and the species Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Aa JP2-like strain, Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Dialister pneumosintes (Dp), and Filifactor alocis (Fa) were detected by PCR. Configural frequency and logistic regression analyses were performed to correlate microbial consortia and PD. Results Aa + Pg in the presence of Dp (phi=0.240; χ2=11.9, p<0.01), as well as Aa JP2 + Dp + Fa (phi=0.186, χ2=4.6, p<0.05) were significantly more associated in advanced stages of P. The consortium Aa + Fa + Dp was strongly associated with deep pocketing and inflammation (p<0.001). The best predictors of disease severity (80% accuracy) included older age (OR 1.11 [95% CI 1.07 - 1.15], p<0.001), Black/African-American ancestry (OR 1.89 [95% CI 1.19 - 2.99], p=0.007), and high frequency of Aa + Pg + Dp (OR 3.04 [95% CI 1.49 - 6.22], p=0.002). Conclusion Specific microbial consortia of putative and novel periodontal pathogens, associated with demographic parameters, correlate with severe periodontitis, supporting the multifactorial nature of PD.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(5): 2548-2568, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1434590


Introdução: As gengivites são condições comuns em todas as populações, independente da faixa-etária. A indicação de agentes químicos como antissépticos bucais mostra-se importante prevenindo a formação de novo biofilme na superfície dental. Extratos vegetais têm sido propostos como possibilidades terapêuticas interessantes devido as características antimicrobianas e imunomoduladoras de diversos fitoterápicos. Objetivo: Realizar um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o uso das plantas medicinais no controle do biofilme dental para tratamento e prevenção da gengivite. Metodologia: foi realizada uma análise de dados secundários, através de uma revisão da literatura sobre a utilização de plantas medicinais na prevenção e tratamento da gengivite. Foram analisados artigos científicos publicados entre 2012 a 2021, obtidos nas bases eletrônicas de dados indexados no PubMed, Google Scholar, Lilacs e Scielo, que apresentaram resultados positivos e que tiveram a clorexidina como controle. Resultados: As informações obtidas foram apresentadas em três tabelas separando enxaguatórios e dentifrícios. Nos estudos que comparam colutórios à base de ervas com enxaguatório bucal com clorexidina 0,12%, em sua maioria, discorrem sobre a igualdade da eficácia na redução do biofilme dental e da gengivite. Nos dois trabalhos que avaliaram dentifrícios, pode-se notar que houve uma boa aceitação por parte dos pesquisados e não mostraram efeitos adversos. Conclusão: Os fitoterápicos são bem indicados como alternativas para manter a saúde gengival. Entretanto, devem ser realizados mais ensaios clínicos longitudinais para fundamentar seus efeitos a longo prazo, testando diferentes protocolos, concentrações e parâmetros clínicos de avaliação para esclarecer a relevância clínica destes produtos naturais no controle e tratamento da gengivite.

Introduction: Gingivitis is a common condition in all populations, regardless of age group. The indication of chemical agents such as mouthwashes prove to be important in preventing the formation of a new biofilm on the dental surface. Plant extracts have been proposed as interesting therapeutic possibilities due to the antimicrobial and immunomodulatory characteristics of several herbal medicines. Objective: To carry out a bibliographic survey on the use of medicinal plants in the control of dental biofilm for the treatment and prevention of gingivitis. Methodology: an analysis of secondary data was performed, through a literature review on the use of medicinal plants in the prevention and treatment of gingivitis. Scientific articles published between 2012 and 2021 were analyzed, from electronic databases indexed in PubMed, Google Scholar, Lilacs and Scielo, which presented positive results and which had chlorhexidine as a control. Results: The information was presented in three tables, two of which are separated between mouthwash and toothpaste. The herbal mouthwashes with 0.12% chlorhexidine found that most of them were equally effective in reducing plaque and gingivitis compared to the 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwash. In the two studies that evaluated toothpastes, it can be noted that there was a good acceptance by those surveyed and they did not show adverse effects. Conclusion: Phytotherapics are well indicated as alternatives to maintain gingival health. However, further longitudinal clinical trials should be performed to substantiate their long-term effects, testing different protocols, concentrations and clinical evaluation parameters to clarify the clinical relevance of these natural products in the control and treatment of gingivitis.

Introducción: La gingivitis es una condición común en todas las poblaciones, independientemente del grupo de edad. La indicación de agentes químicos, como los colutorios, resulta importante para prevenir la formación de un nuevo biofilm en la superficie dental. Los extractos de plantas se han propuesto como interesantes posibilidades terapéuticas debido a las características antimicrobianas e inmunomoduladoras de varias hierbas medicinales. Objetivo: Realizar un estudio bibliográfico sobre el uso de plantas medicinales en el control del biofilm dental para el tratamiento y prevención de la gingivitis. Metodología: se realizó un análisis de datos secundarios, a través de una revisión bibliográfica sobre el uso de plantas medicinales en la prevención y tratamiento de la gingivitis. Se analizaron artículos científicos publicados entre 2012 y 2021, de bases de datos electrónicas indexadas en PubMed, Google Scholar, Lilacs y Scielo, que presentaran resultados positivos y que tuvieran clorhexidina como control. Resultados: La información se presentó en tres tablas, dos de ellas separadas entre colutorio y pasta dentífrica. En los enjuagues bucales a base de plantas con clorhexidina al 0,12% se observó que la mayoría de ellos eran igual de eficaces para reducir la placa y la gingivitis en comparación con el enjuague bucal con clorhexidina al 0,12%. En los dos estudios que evaluaron los dentífricos, puede observarse que hubo una buena aceptación por parte de los encuestados y no mostraron efectos adversos. Conclusiones: Los fitoterápicos están bien indicados como alternativas para mantener la salud gingival. Sin embargo, se deben realizar más ensayos clínicos longitudinales para corroborar sus efectos a largo plazo, probando diferentes protocolos, concentraciones y parámetros de evaluación clínica para aclarar la relevancia clínica de estos productos naturales en el control y tratamiento de la gingivitis.

Invest. clín ; 63(4): 414-434, dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534675


Resumen La enfermedad periodontal (gingivitis y periodontitis) es un proceso inflamatorio ocasionado por la actividad de bacterias patógenas y sus productos sobre el surco gingival, con la consecuente activación de la respuesta inmunitaria. La saliva y el fluido crevicular contienen una gran variedad de enzimas y factores antimicrobianos que están en contacto con la región supragingival y subgingival; entre ellos, las β-defensinas (hBDs). Las hBDs son péptidos catiónicos no glicosilados ricos en cisteína, producidos por las células epiteliales; tienen efecto antimicrobiano e inmunorregulador; de esta forma, contribuyen al mantenimiento de la homeostasis en los tejidos periodontales. Los cambios en la microbiota y en la respuesta inmunitaria de un periodonto sano a gingivitis y, finalmente, a periodontitis, es compleja. Su severidad depende de un equilibrio dinámico entre las bacterias asociadas a la placa, factores genéticos y ambientales. Los avances recientes han permitido comprender la implicación de las hBDs en la detección, el diagnóstico y la terapéutica de la enfermedad periodontal, así como la relación que hay entre la periodontitis y otras enfermedades inflamatorias. El objetivo de esta revisión es describir el efecto de las hBDs en la respuesta inmunitaria y su utilización como marcadores de la actividad inflamatoria de la enfermedad periodontal.

Abstract Periodontal disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) is an inflammatory process caused by the activity of pathogenic bacteria and their products on the gingival sulcus, with the consequent activation of the immune response. Saliva and crevicular fluid contain a wide variety of enzymes and antimicrobial factors that are in contact with the supragingival and subgingival region, including β-defensins (hBDs). hHBDs are non-glycosylated, cysteine-rich cationic peptides produced by epithelial cells with antimicrobial and immunoregulatory effects, thus contributing to maintaining homeostasis in periodontal tissues. The changes in the microbiota and the immune response from a healthy periodontium to gingivitis and, finally, to periodontitis are complex. Their severity depends on a dynamic balance between bacteria associated with plaque, genetic and environmental factors. Recent advances have made it possible to understand the implication of hBDs in the detection, diagnosis, and therapy of periodontal disease and the relationship between periodontitis and other inflammatory conditions. This review aims to describe the effect of hBDs on the immune response and its use as a possible marker of the inflammatory activity of the periodontal disease.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222428


Objective: Chewable toothbrushes (CT) are considered an effective tool for dental plaque removal; however, their effectiveness is still uncertain compared to Manual toothbrushes (MT). Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of CT compared to MT in dental plaque removal. Methods: Studies comparing the efficiency of CT and MT in dental plaque removal measured by Turesky Modification of Quigley-Hein Plaque Index (TMQHI), Quigley-Hein Plaque Index (QHI), or Silness Loe Plaque Index (SLPI) were identified in PubMed, Medline Web of Science, Google Scholar, and the CENTRAL. Results and effect sizes estimate are presented as mean difference, and subgroup analysis is presented separately for non?randomised interventional studies and randomised intervention studies. Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool (ROBINS?I and ROB2 tool). Results: A total of 10 studies were included in the systematic review, whereas six out of 10 studies were included in the meta?analysis. Both CT and MT were effective in plaque reduction over time when compared individually using the TMQHI and SLPI scores. The overall pooled summary showed no difference in CT and MT’s dental plaque removal ability when measured using the TMQHI score. Similarly, there was no difference in CT and MT’s dental plaque removal ability when measured using the SLPI score. Conclusion: There is no significant difference in CT and MT’s plaque removal ability. Therefore, CT should only be recommended for children and individuals with a disability or manual dexterity.

Odovtos (En línea) ; 24(3)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1406158


Resumen En la cavidad oral se pueden presentar lesiones en gíngiva que no están asociadas a placa bacteriana, las cuales requieren de un adecuado diagnóstico y tratamiento. La gingivitis descamativa está usualmente relacionada con desórdenes mucocutáneos, como el pénfigo vulgar (PV), donde las lesiones orales incluyendo las lesiones gingivales, pueden preceder las lesiones cutáneas. El manejo es multidisciplinario y el tratamiento incluye terapia farmacológica tópica y sistémica, se requiere un adecuado control de la placa bacteriana por parte del paciente y una estricta supervisión en el tiempo por parte del profesional para el mantenimiento y estabilidad de los tejidos gingivales. Se presentan dos casos clínicos de pacientes con diagnóstico de PV los cuales fueron manejados de manera oportuna e integral para controlar y estabilizar el factor sistémico y local.

Abstract In the oral cavity, gingiva lesions may occur that are not associated with bacterial plaque, which require adequate diagnosis and treatment. Desquamative gingivitis is usually related to mucocutaneous disorders, such as pemphigus vulgaris (PV), where oral lesions, including gingival lesions, may precede skin lesions. Management is multidisciplinary and treatment includes topical and systemic pharmacological therapy, require adequate control of dental plaque by the patient and strict supervision over time by the professional for the maintenance and stability of the gingival tissues. Two clinical cases of patients with a diagnosis of PV are presented, which were managed in a timely and integral way to control and stabilize the systemic and local factor.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Pemphigus/drug therapy , Gingivitis/drug therapy , Oral Hygiene , Costa Rica
Odovtos (En línea) ; 24(3)dic. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1406164


Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the gingival state and presence of red complex bacteria in saliva samples of 12-year-old schoolchildren. A calibrated periodontist evaluated biofilm index (BI) (Silness and Löe, 1964), presence of calculus, and gingival index (GI) (Silness and Löe, 1967) in sixty two 12-year-old students of Carmen Lyra School. Saliva samples were collected from each student. The DNA of each sample was extracted and amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, using specific primers. The BI was 1.18. Calculus was present in 40.40% of the schoolchildren examined; 19.4% was supragingival calculus and 21% both supragingival and subgingival calculus. The GI was 0.97, which according to Silness and Löe is mild gingivitis. Gingivitis was present in 96.8% of the children examined. Regarding the PCR tests: 18 of the samples (31.58%) did not present any of the bacteria analyzed and the remaining 39 samples (68.42%) were positive for at least the presence of red complex bacteria. Within the limitations of this study, it is concluded that the prevalence of gingivitis and calculus is high in the sample examined, and the gingival state observed in the study population, may be related to the presence of red complex bacteria.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio era determinar el estado gingival y la presencia de bacterias del complejo rojo en muestras de saliva de niños de 12 años de la Escuela Carmen Lyra. Una periodoncista calibrada evaluó en 62 estudiantes de 12 años de la Escuela Carmen Lyra, el índice de biofilme (IB) (Silness y Löe, 1964), la presencia de cálculo y el índice gingival (IG) (Silness y Löe, 1967). Se recolectaron muestras de saliva de cada estudiante. El ADN de cada muestra fue extraído y amplificado por medio de la prueba PCR, empleando primers específicos, para determinar la presencia de bacterias del complejo rojo. El IB fue de 1.18. El cálculo estuvo presente en el 40.40% de la muestra, se encontró 19.4% de cálculo en supragingival y 21% tanto en supragingival como en subgingival. El IG fue de 0.97, que de acuerdo con Silness y Löe es una gingivitis leve. La gingivitis estuvo presente en el 96.8 % de los niños examinados. Con respecto a las pruebas PCR: 18 de las muestras (31.58 %) no presentaron ninguna de las bacterias analizadas y las 39 muestras restantes (68.42%) fueron positivas por lo menos a la presencia de las bacterias del complejo rojo. Dentro de las limitaciones de este estudio, se concluye que la prevalencia de gingivitis y cálculo es alta en la muestra examinada y el estado gingival observado puede estar relacionado con la presencia de bacterias del complejo rojo.

Humans , Child , Gingival Diseases , Gingivitis/diagnosis , Costa Rica
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220023


Background: Management of gingivitis is commonly done by the removal of etiological agents by Periodontist. However, use of topical applications of antibiotic combinations has been shown to improve the treatment outcome. Various drugs alone or in combination have been used. So this study was conducted to determine the effect of different concentrations of combination drugs on gingivitis.Material & Methods:100 patients of gingivitis were divided into two groups of 50 each – Group-A and Group-B. After scaling and root planing, Group-A patients were made to apply Metronidazole 1% and Chlorhexidine 0.25% for period of 12 weeks while as Group-B patients applied Metronidazole 1.5% and Chlorhexidine 0.50% for 12 weeks. Baseline scores of gingival index and bleeding index were recorded followed by readings at 4 and 12 weeks.Results:Results showed that there was a significant improvement in gingivitis and bleeding on probing at 4 and 12 weeks after local application of Metronidazole and Chlorhexidine gel in both the groups. However there were no statistically significant differences between two groups.Conclusions:Topical application of Metronidazole and Chlorhexidine gel as an adjunct to scaling and root planing is an effective treatment modality for the management of gingivitis and the concentrations of the combination do not have any significant effect on the treatment.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(5): 1-11, nov. 23, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435282


Background: Probing of the periodontal pocket is an essential part of the diagnosis of periodontal disease and 15-77% of untreated periodontal patients experience pain during probing. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the pain perceived by patients with dental plaque-induced gingivitis and chronic periodontitis during periodontal probing and the main objective includes the evaluation of the relationship between pain perceived during periodontal probing and gingival inflammatory parameters. Material and Methods: A total of 475 participants were recruited into the study. The patients were divided into two groups: Group-A (Gingivitis Group - 275 patients) and Group-B (Chronic Periodontitis Group - 200 patients). Clinical parameters included analysis of bleeding on probing, simplified gingival index, pocket depth on probing, and clinical attachment level. Pain score was recorded using the HP VAS scale and all patients participated in the study after a detailed explanation of the study protocol. Results: A significant difference in pain perception was noted between groups, highlighting the role of the degree of inflammation in the examination of periodontal parameters. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present study, we can conclude that pain perception is directly correlated with the degree of inflammation in periodontitis rather than plaque-induced gingivitis during periodontal probing. Therefore, some form of adjuvant topical anesthesia may be considered in order to reduce pain levels in severely inflamed patients, to encourage continued acceptance of supportive periodontal therapy.

Antecedentes: El sondaje de la bolsa periodontal es una parte esencial en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad periodontal. 15-77% de los pacientes periodontales no tratados experimentan dolor durante el sondaje. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el dolor percibido por pacientes con gingivitis inducida por placa dental y periodontitis crónica durante el sondaje periodontal y el objetivo principal incluye la evaluación de la relación entre el dolor percibido durante el sondaje periodontal con parámetros inflamatorios gingivales. Material y Métodos: Un total de 475 sujetos fueron reclutados en el estudio. Los sujetos se dividieron en 2 grupos: Grupo - A (Grupo de gingivitis - 275 pacientes) y Grupo - B (Grupo de periodontitis crónica - 200 pacientes). Los parámetros clínicos incluyeron el análisis del sangrado al sondaje, el índice gingival simplificado, la profundidad de la bolsa al sondaje y el nivel de inserción clínica. La puntuación del dolor se registró utilizando la escala HP VAS y todos los pacientes participaron en el estudio después de una explicación detallada del protocolo del estudio. Resultados: Se notó una diferencia significativa en la percepción del dolor en el grupo B que en el grupo A, lo que significa el papel del grado de inflamación en el examen de los parámetros periodontales. Conclusión: Dentro de las limitaciones del presente estudio, podemos concluir que la percepción del dolor se correlaciona directamente con el grado de inflamación que se observa en la periodontitis más que con la gingivitis inducida por la placa dental durante el sondaje periodontal. Por lo tanto, se puede considerar alguna forma de anestesia tópica adyuvante para reducir los niveles de dolor en pacientes gravemente inflamados para fomentar la aceptación continua de la terapia periodontal de apoyo.

Humans , Male , Female , Chronic Periodontitis , Pain Perception , Gingivitis , Periodontal Diseases , Periodontal Index , Prospective Studies , India , Inflammation
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 24(3)sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530160


Introducción: La salud bucal es uno de los factores que pueden influir negativamente en el control de las enfermedades reumáticas; los procesos inflamatorios e infecciosos constituyen las principales alteraciones de la salud bucal en estos pacientes. Objetivo: Evaluar la salud bucal de los pacientes con enfermedades reumáticas. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación básica, no experimental y descriptiva de un universo de 136 pacientes con enfermedades reumáticas atendidos en el Hospital General Andino de Chimborazo durante el periodo diciembre de 2021 a abril de 2022. A cada uno de ellos se le realizó un examen bucal general para identificar las alteraciones de la salud bucal presentes en cada caso. Se estudiaron las variables características generales de los pacientes (edad, sexo, enfermedad reumática y tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad) y la variable salud bucal (presencia de afecciones bucales, tipo de afección bucal, frecuencia de asistencia a controles odontológicos y nivel de salud bucal). Resultados: Promedio de edad de 51,23 años, predominio de pacientes femeninas (78,68 por ciento), con diagnóstico de artritis reumatoide (77,20 por ciento) y tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad reumática inferior a 5 años (44,12 por ciento). El 72,80 por ciento de los pacientes presentó al menos una enfermedad bucal. La adentia parcial o total (61,62 por ciento) y la presencia de caries dentales (52,52 por ciento) fueron las de mayor frecuencia. El 30,88 por ciento de los pacientes solo acudió a control odontológico ante la presencia de dolor y en el 71,32 por ciento se consideró la salud bucal como inadecuada. Conclusiones: Se identificó un elevado porcentaje de pacientes con enfermedad reumática y al menos una afección bucal. Existió predominio de pacientes que solo acuden a consulta odontológica ante la presencia de una urgencia o emergencia. La salud bucal de los pacientes es inadecuada(AU)

Introduction: Oral health has been identified as one of the factors that can negatively influence the control of chronic diseases such as rheumatic diseases; Inflammatory and infectious processes constitute the main alterations of oral health in patients with this type of disease. Objective: To evaluate the oral health of patients with rheumatic diseases treated at the Hospital General Andino de Chimborazo. Methods: A basic, non-experimental and descriptive research was carried out with a universe of 169 patients with rheumatic diseases treated at the Andean General Hospital of Chimborazo during the period December 2021 - April 2022. The sample was made up of 136 patients who met the inclusion criteria defined for the research. Each of them underwent a general oral examination to identify the oral health alterations present in each case. Results: Average age of 51.23 years, predominance of female patients (78.68 percent), diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (77.20 percent) and evolution time of rheumatic disease less than 5 years (44.12 percent). 72.80 percent of the patients presented at least one oral disease. Partial or total adentia (61.62 percent) and the presence of dental caries (52.52 percent) were the most frequently identified. 30.88 percent of patients only go to dental control in the presence of pain and in 71.32 percent oral health was considered inadequate. Conclusions: A high percentage of patients with rheumatic disease who presented at least one oral condition was identified. There was a predominance of patients who only attend a dental consultation in the presence of an urgency or emergency. The oral health of the patients is inadequate(AU)

Humans , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/complications , Oral Health/education , Dental Caries/diagnostic imaging , Health Services Research/methods
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(4): 1-16, jul. 21, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427359


Aim: The aim of this review was to systematically assess and report the effectiveness of chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthwash in preventing plaque accumulation and gingivitis in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. Material and Methods: The review was prepared according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) guidelines and registered under PROSPERO database (CRD42020170776). Four electronic databases were systematically searched along with a complimentary manual search of orthodontic journals until June 2022. Only Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) reporting on antiplaque and antigingivitis efficacy of Chlorhexidine mouthwash compared with placebo or control in orthodontic patients were included. Risk of bias assessment was done using Cochrane ROB-2. Quantitative analysis (Random-Effects Model and Standard Mean Difference (SMD)) with 95 % confidence interval was used. Results: Six RCTs were included for qualitative analysis and four were included for quantitative analysis with a total of 211 participants. Out of six studies, 3 were judged to have a low risk of bias, two had some concerns and one of them had high risk of bias. Random effects meta-analysis performed for anti-plaque effect reported a significant reduction of -1.2 SMD for CHX at 4 to 6 weeks with low heterogeneity (I2-35%). The anti-gingivitis effect at 4 to 6 weeks was significant for CHX with a SMD of -1.03 and a moderate heterogeneity (I2-65%). Conclusion: On analyzing the available evidence a moderate level of certainty supports a short-term reduction in plaque accumulation and gingivitis in orthodontic patients subjected to rinsing with chlorhexidine oral rinse.

Objetivo: El objetivo de esta revisión fue evaluar e informar sistemáticamente la efectividad del enjuague bucal con clorhexidina (CHX) para prevenir la acumulación de placa y la gingivitis en pacientes que reciben tratamiento de ortodoncia. Material y Métodos: La revisión se preparó de acuerdo con las pautas de Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) y se registró en la base de datos PROSPERO (CRD42020170776). Se realizaron búsquedas sistemáticas en cuatro bases de datos electrónicas junto con una búsqueda manual gratuita de revistas de ortodoncia hasta junio de 2022. Solo se incluyeron ensayos controlados aleatorios (ECA) que informaron sobre la eficacia antiplaca y antigingivitis del enjuague bucal con clorhexidina en comparación con placebo o control en pacientes de ortodoncia. La evaluación del riesgo de sesgo se realizó mediante Cochrane ROB-2. Se utilizó un análisis cuantitativo (modelo de efectos aleatorios y diferencia de medias estándar (SMD)) con un intervalo de confianza del 95 %. Resultados: Se incluyeron seis ECA para el análisis cualitativo y cuatro para el análisis cuantitativo con un total de 211 participantes. De los seis estudios, se consideró que tres tenían un bajo riesgo de sesgo, dos tenían algunas preocupaciones y uno de ellos tenía un alto riesgo de sesgo. El metanálisis de efectos aleatorios realizado para el efecto antiplaca informó una reducción significativa de -1,2 SMD para CHX a las 4 a 6 semanas con baja heterogeneidad (I2-35%). El efecto antigingivitis a las 4 a 6 semanas fue significativo para CHX con una SMD de -1,03 y una heterogeneidad moderada (I2-65%). Conclusión: Al analizar la evidencia disponible, un nivel de certeza moderado apoya una reducción a corto plazo en la acumulación de placa y gingivitis en pacientes ortodóncicos sometidos a enjuague con enjuague bucal con clorhexidina.

Humans , Dental Plaque/prevention & control , Gingivitis/prevention & control , Orthodontics , Chlorhexidine/therapeutic use , Orthodontic Appliances, Fixed , Mouthwashes/therapeutic use
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(4): 1-13, jul. 21, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400929


Background: Probing of periodontal pockets is an essential part in the diagnosis of periodontal disease. Fifteen to seventy seven percent of untreated periodontal patients experience pain during probing. Hence the aim of this study is to evaluate the pain perceived by patients with gingivitis and periodontitis during periodontal probing. The goals of this study were to compare the patients' pain perception when using a conventional UNC15 probe and a manual pressure sensitive periodontal probe, and to relate the clinical features of gingivitis and periodontitis to the discomfort associated with periodontal probing. Material and Methods: A total of 475 subjects were recruited into the study. The subjects were initially divided into two groups ­ Group ­ A (Gingivitis group - 275 patients) and Group ­ B (Chronic Periodontitis group -200 patients) according to the AAP 1999 Classification. These two groups were further subdivided into two groups each (Gingivitis ­ Conventional Probe ­ GCP, Gingivitis ­ Manual Pressure Sensitive Probe ­ GMPS, Periodontitis - Conventional Probe ­ PCP, Periodontitis ­ Manual Pressure Sensitive Probe ­ PMPS) using a computer generated program of random numbers. Results: A significant difference was noted in pain perception when pressure sensitive probe was used compared to conventional UNC-15 probe. Reduced Bleeding on Probing and Pain scores were noted in Chronic periodontitis subjects with use of pressure sensitive probe, which was statistically significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: Dentistry has changed its focus towards painless dentistry. In this context, the present study presents data towards use of manual pressure sensitive probes, which offers an advantage of low cost when compared to more advanced computerized systems with reduced pain during periodontal examination. It could result in a positive attitude of the patients towards continuous supportive periodontal therapy thereby monitoring periodontal health.

Antecedentes: El sondaje de los sacos periodontales es una parte esencial en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad periodontal. Del quince al setenta y siete por ciento de los pacientes periodontales no tratados experimentan dolor durante el sondaje. De ahí que el objetivo de este estudio fué evaluar el dolor percibido por pacientes con gingivitis y periodontitis durante el sondaje periodontal. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron comparar la percepción del dolor de los pacientes al usar una sonda UNC15 convencional y una sonda periodontal sensible a la presión manual, y relacionar las características clínicas de la gingivitis y la periodontitis con la incomodidad asociada con el sondaje periodontal. Material y Métodos: Un total de 475 sujetos fueron reclutados en el estudio. Los sujetos se dividieron inicialmente en dos grupos - Grupo - A (grupo de Gingivitis - 275 pacientes) y Grupo - B (grupo de Periodontitis Crónica - 200 pacientes) de acuerdo con la Clasificación AAP 1999. Estos dos grupos se subdividieron en dos grupos cada uno (Gingivitis - Sonda convencional - GCP, Gingivitis - Sonda manual sensible a la presión - GMPS, Periodontitis - Sonda convencional - PCP, Periodontitis - Sonda manual sensible a la presión - PMPS) usando un programa generado por computadora de datos aleatorios. números. Resultados: Se notó una diferencia significativa en la percepción del dolor cuando se usó una sonda sensible a la presión en comparación con la sonda UNC-15 convencional (p<0,001). Conclusion: La odontología ha cambiado su enfoque hacia una odontología sin dolor. En este contexto, el presente estudio presenta datos hacia el uso de sondas manuales sensibles a la presión, que ofrece una ventaja de bajo costo en comparación con sistemas computarizados más avanzados con reducción del dolor durante el examen periodontal. Podría resultar en una actitud positiva de los pacientes hacia la terapia periodontal de apoyo continuo, monitoreando así la salud periodontal.

Humans , Male , Female , Periodontitis/therapy , Pain Perception , Gingivitis/therapy , Pain , Periodontal Diseases/therapy , Periodontal Pocket , Cross-Sectional Studies
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(3): 1-12, jun. 30, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427927


Objetive: To evaluate the correlation between salivary biomarkers (the salivary antioxidant ability, salivary level of polyphenols, and other antioxidants) with plaque-induced gingivitis exacerbated by pregnancy in pregnant and nonpregnant women. Material and Methods: For this observational study, medical records, dental examinations, and analyses of saliva samples were carried out in pregnant and nonpregnant women. A p-value of <0.05 was considered significant. Results: The pregnant women (n =17) exhibited a lower antioxidant capacity (p-value=0.0041), higher levels of polyphenols, gingival index, bleeding on probing, and subjects consuming mineral-enriched products (p-value from <0.0001 to 0.0466), and unchanged levels of phosphotungstic acid reactive substances, proteins, oral hygienic habits, plaque index and probing depth (p-value from 0.0683 to 0.8358), in comparison with the nonpregnant women (n=9). Also, a positive correlation between the gingival index and salivary polyphenol content was observed (r-value = 0.4087, p-value = 0.0202). Conclusion: The salivary polyphenols correlate with plaque-induced gingivitis exacerbated by pregnancy, suggesting a deficiency of salivary antioxidant protection.

Objetivo: Evaluar la correlación entre los biomarcadores salivales (la capacidad antioxidante salival, el nivel salival de polifenoles y otros antioxidantes) con la gingivitis inducida por placa exacerbada por el embarazo en mujeres embarazadas y no embarazadas. Material y Métodos: Para este estudio observacional, se realizaron registros médicos, exámenes dentales y análisis de muestras de saliva en mujeres embarazadas y no embarazadas. Se consideró significativo un valor de p<0,05. Resultados: Las gestantes (n=17) presentaron menor capacidad antioxidante (p=0,0041), mayores niveles de polifenoles, índice gingival, sangrado al sondaje y los sujetos que consumían productos enriquecidos con minerales (p<0,0001 a p<0,0466), y no hubo diferencias en los niveles de sustancias reactivas al ácido fosfotúngstico, proteínas, hábitos de higiene bucal, índice de placa y profundidad de sondaje (p=0,0683 a 0,8358), en comparación con las mujeres no embarazadas (n=19). Además, se observó una correlación positiva entre el índice gingival y elcontenido de polifenoles salivales (r = 0,4087, p= 0,0202). Conclusión: Los polifenoles salivales se correlacionan con la gingivitis inducida por placa y exacerbada por el embarazo, lo que sugiere una deficiencia de protección antioxidante salival.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Saliva/immunology , Biomarkers/analysis , Gingivitis/immunology , Polyphenols , Antioxidants
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385904


RESUMEN: Asociar grupos de alimentos con "atención dental por caries" y "por gingivitis" en adolescentes de entre 12 y 24 años de edad de escuelas públicas en Morelos, México. Las variables dependientes: "atención dental por caries" y "por gingivitis" se definieron por auto-reporte. Los grupos de alimentos se obtuvieron de un cuestionario de consumo en el último año. La ingesta diaria se estimó calculando cada peso correspondiente a la frecuencia de consumo del alimento ajustado al tamaño de la porción utilizando tablas de alimentos y después fueron sumados según al grupo que pertenecían (lácteos, frutas, verduras, leguminosas, cereales, carne y huevo, pescados y mariscos, comida rápida, bebidas carbonatadas y jugos embotellados y golosinas). Para el análisis se utilizaron modelos logísticos multinivel para mediciones repetidas para identificar as ociaciones (RM) entre ingesta de cada grupo de alimentos con cada variable dependiente por separado. En el análisis ajustado "atención dental por caries" se asoció con: frutas (RM 1.70), bebidas carbonatadas y jugos embotellados (RM 1.38) y golosinas (RM 1.44), mientras que cereales se mantuvo en el nivel marginal (RM 1.34). No se encontró asociación con "por gingivitis". Los alimentos con altos contenidos de hidratos de carbono refinados son determinantes para acudir a servicios dentales por caries.

ABSTRACT: Associate food groups with "dental caries care" and "for gingivitis" in adolescents between 12 and 24 years of age from public schools in Morelos, México. The dependent variables: "dental care for caries" and "for gingivitis" were defined by self-report. The food groups were obtained from a consumption questionnaire in the last year. The daily nutritional intake was estimated calculating each nutritional content of the foods using food tables and then they were added according to the group they belonged to (dairy, fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, meat and eggs, fish and seafood, carbonated drinks and bottled juices and sweets. Multilevel logistic models for repeated measurements were used for the analysis to identify associations (OR) between intake of each food group with "dental caries care" and "for gingivitis". In the adjusted analysis, "dental caries care" was associated with: fruits (OR 1.70), carbonated drinks and bottled juices (OR 1.38) and sweets (OR 1.44), while cereals remained at the marginal level (OR 1.34). No association with "for gingivitis" found. Foods high in refined carbohydrates are essential to go to dental services for dental caries.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 26(1)mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405627


RESUMEN El término de gingivitis descamativa ha evolucionado con el decursar de los años. La clasificación de la enfermedad periodontal vigente en Cuba la incluye dentro de los procesos inflamatorios crónicos superficiales. La Academia Americana de Periodontología y la Federación Europea de Periodoncia, han destinado un apartado para esta enfermedad denominado: alteraciones inflamatorias e inmunes. Se presentó una paciente de 27 años de edad, con ardor, sangramiento gingival y molestias al cepillado, la cual acudió a la consulta de Estomatología General Integral. Durante el examen clínico se constató la presencia de zonas eritematosas a nivel de encía marginal e insertada, con exposición del tejido conectivo. Luego de concluida la atención primaria en Periodoncia, la paciente fue remitida a la atención secundaria donde se le diagnosticó un liquen plano bucal con manifestaciones gingivales. Se instauró el tratamiento adecuado hasta la desaparición de las lesiones.

ABSTRACT The term desquamative gingivitis has evolved over the years. The current classification of periodontal disease in Cuba includes it among chronic superficial inflammatory processes. The American Academy of Periodontology and the European Federation of Periodontology have assigned a section for this disease called inflammatory and immune alterations. We present a 27-year-old female patient with burning, gingival bleeding and discomfort when brushing, who came to the General Comprehensive Dentistry consultation. Erythematous areas were observed during clinical examination, at the level of the inserted and marginal gingiva, with exposure of the connective tissue. After the completion of primary periodontal care, the patient was referred to secondary care where she was diagnosed with oral lichen planus with gingival manifestations. Appropriate treatment was instituted until the lesions disappeared.

Gingivitis, Necrotizing Ulcerative , Lichen Planus, Oral , Gingivitis
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1392976


Objetivo: Identificar la relación que mantiene el cuidado bucodental e higiene en los jóvenes de la Institución Educativa "Primero de Abril" y la presencia de gingivitis, y conocer si la dieta de los estudiantes está ligada a la presencia de esta patología. Método: Se realizó un estudio investigativo de corte transversal, cuantitativo, observacional analítico. Resultados: Un 44,4% del género femenino consume fibra como alimento principal mientras que el 55% consume vitaminas y antioxidantes, mientras que el género masculino el 62,5% de la población consume vitaminas y antioxidantes y 37,5% restante consume fibras. Conclusión: La presencia de gingivitis en la población estudiada especialmente del género femenino y de status económico bajo, es debido a la alta deficiencia en cuanto a las visitas odontológicas, el uso y acceso de kits de limpieza dental, reconociendo así la prevalencia en el desarrollo de esta.

Objective: To identify the relationship between oral care and hygiene in young people of the "Primero de Abril" Educational Institution and the presence of gingivitis, and to know if the diet of the students is linked to the presence of this pathology. Methods: A cross-sectional, quantitative, observational, analytical, cross-sectional research study was carried out. Results: 44.4% of the female gender consumes fiber as the main food while 55% consumes vitamins and antioxidants, while 62.5% of the male gender consumes vitamins and antioxidants and the remaining 37.5% consumes fiber. Conclusion: The presence of gingivitis in the population studied, especially in the female gender and of low economic status, is due to the high deficiency in dental visits, the use and access to dental cleaning kits, thus recognizing the prevalence in the development of gingivitis.